Are You Beyond Burned Out ?

Maybe you’re wondering whether you are in burnout.

  • If you are so exhausted, that no amount of sleep makes you feel rested…

  • If you feel out of sync with your job and/or out of touch with the people and things you love most…

  • If you’ve lost interest in the things and people that once engaged you…

You might be burned out.

And, with all of the talk about burnout lately, you might also be wondering, “Where do I even start to feel better?”

This is where to begin. 

The Maslach Burnout Inventory™ is the gold standard in burnout identification and recovery.

Because I’m a licensed MBI™ practitioner, I’m proud to offer you this science backed, data driven online assessment as the foundation of our work together.

First, you and I will talk on the phone to see if taking the MBI™ is right for you.

Next, you’ll complete the online MBI™ assessment and we’ll receive your results, along with your highly customized burnout recovery plan.

Finally, you and I will have our second coaching session. Using your MBI™ results as a framework, we’ll create an action plan to get you back to feeling your best.

That’s it; a simple entry point, so you heal from burnout as quickly as possible.

This is your Beyond Burnout Kickstart.

  • 2 customized coaching calls

    • 30 minute coaching call with me, before you take the Maslach Burnout Inventory™ (MBI). During our call we’ll talk about your current situation

    • 60 minute coaching call, after you complete the MBI, to talk about your unique results. We’ll use those results to design your action plan forward.

    • 1 Maslach Burnout Inventory™ + Areas of Worklife Survey

    After your answers are interpreted, you will receive a data driven booklet. This booklet will act as your detailed burnout healing and prevention manual, customized for YOU! You’ll want to refer back to this manual often, as you continue to design your life.

  • Description tYour time commitment is about 2 hours, in total.

    • Plan on 30 minutes for our initial coaching call, prior to taking the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI)

    • Give yourself 30 minutes (at the most) to complete the online inventory

    • Plan on 60 minutes for our post assessment coaching session. We’ll review your results together and use that information to create your action plan forward.

  • The total value of the Beyond Burnout Kickstart is $475.00.

    I’ve removed all barriers that would stand in the way of you getting back to your best self as soon as possible.

    So, I’ve chosen to price this Kickstart at only $149.00.

  • I designed this Beyond Burnout Kickstart to quickly and precisely assess burnout symptoms and customize the best entry point for you.

    While there are common symptoms of burnout, there are no common treatments. The MBI is the gold standard in burnout identification and recovery. By using this data driven assessment, you and I will be able to create a unique action plan forward.

    After our second coaching call, you will have strategies to immediately implement in your life, as it is. We will not be making major changes all at once.