
 How I Found Balance

- and a Bigger Purpose

For as long as I can remember, I’ve been drawn to educating, supporting, and uplifting others. It’s this innate ability that inspired me to not only become an entrepreneur, but to pursue my degree in education and work for a company like Weight Watchers. 

Yet, before I discovered this calling, there was a long stretch of time where I believed that the expectations and needs of others took precedence over my own. You see, I was the “good girl” growing up, where I unknowingly strengthened the people-pleasing part of myself. 


While I did have dreams, I was willing to let them fall by the wayside to support the priorities of others - something that was most notable when I became a wife and mom. Naturally, I wanted to make my family as happy and healthy as can be, so I took on the role as “the glue” that kept our home and lives humming along. I believed that I could take care of myself and my dreams…later.


I was the mom that did it all – attending PTA meetings and joining committees, becoming a deacon in my church, teaching Sunday school and confirmation, picking up and dropping the kids off to all their activities and events. I was also a board member of my neighborhood association. It was being in this state of constant busy-ness that ultimately pulled my focus so far outward that I lost a connection to myself, my health, and my husband without fully recognizing it. And it took two pivotal events for me to finally wake up.

One – my 20 year marriage suddenly coming to an end, and two – having a stroke.

You see, I was so caught in the busy-ness of life – of keeping it all together and not rocking the boat, that I wasn’t fully aware of what was really happening in my life.

Sound familiar? As it turned out, my relationship was not as solid as I’d thought, and my body was not as resilient as it had once been.

When I moved through the stressful process of divorce and became a single parent, the pressure to keep our new life as “close to normal” as possible, to juggle all of the pieces, and to continue to hold it together for my children, increased three-fold.


I lived in an endless state of autopilot and continued to neglect my own needs even more. As a result, my health took a turn. I’ll never forget the moment my doctor said, “Lisa, this is serious” and then thinking to myself, “I don’t have time for this.”

This was my “come to Jesus” moment.

Where I finally realized that if I didn’t change something soon, I wasn’t going to be able to fully show up for my kids or for myself. Since I knew I could do better, I decided to consciously write the next chapter of my life.


It was through this process of finally making my wellbeing a priority that I developed a transformative framework – the Living Fully Balanced Process. It was this process that made it possible for me to study coaching, positive psychology and acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), transform my health – and courageously start the thriving business I run today.

Since that moment, I’ve been compelled to help women who are running on empty avoid those earth-shattering wakeup calls and equip them with the resources to restore their energy, feel comfortable in their skin, find balance in the busy, and expand their capacity to be fully present in their lives.


Business Strategy, Burnout Recovery and Life Balance Coach, Lisa Bobyak

Lisa Bobyak has been the saving grace of dozens of high-achieving women on the brink of burnout for nearly a decade. Through her Living Fully Balanced methodology, she equips her clients with both the self-awareness and planning tools to not only create balance in their busy lives, but to also become the designers of their future. The mastermind behind the Love Your Life Again program and the creator of the Living Fully Balanced Life Planner.

Get the planner!


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