February 24-26, 2022

Hotel Crosby

Stillwater, Minnesota


Free 60 minute strategy session

Sign up for a FREE 60 minute strategy session with yours truly. In our conversation we’ll cover what is working and not working for you currently and strategize about the best next steps to get you where you want to go

Are You In True Burnout? How To Tell and What To Do

You’d think that I’d be thankful that we’re finally talking about burnout in our culture; that I’d be happy that burnout has become a huge topic for self help books and Instagram influencers alike. 

After all, as a life balance and leadership coach, my number one goal is to prevent and heal burnout in high achievers. 

But, honestly, all of this talk about burnout leaves me feeling (forgive me) … burned out! 

Need a Break?

High achievers are pushing themselves until they can’t push anymore. Recognizing their breaking point, they are forced to take a break. 

This “burn it at both ends”, “drive till you drop” mentality only perpetuates burnout.

I believe we can do better. 

Learn how to give yourself a break, and you’ll have a life you don’t need a break from. 

I'm A Life Balance & Leadership Coach & I Have An Issue With Self Care

I’ve been practicing self care for years, long before it had its own hashtag. And, in recent years, I’ve seen a shift in the industry.

What once felt like a supportive community now feels very dogmatic and prescriptive to me. The self care we're being sold, is rapidly becoming performative rituals at best, and at worst, for the high achievers among us, it's descending into deeply harmful, paralyzing guilt.

You Won't Hear This From Productivity Experts;

The Science-Backed Strategy No One's Talking About

For those of you who operate in a hustle culture and are striving to succeed, I’d like to share something that will feel counterintuitive for some of you, and perhaps even ludicrous to the rest. But, stay with me… after all the quality of your leadership depends on it. 

When you are asked to make a fast decision,

And every bone in your body is telling you to speed up,

Slow down and take time alone to pause And reflect.

The Secret To Being A Better Leader

The leaders who practice the pause have more clarity, broader perspectives, and better decision making abilities than those who are in constant motion.

Turn Pandemic Misses Into Your Third Quarter Wins:

The 5 Step System To Master Your Next 3 Months (FREE Goal Sheets)

Even the most focused among us, get knocked off course. The key to my guilt-free acceptance and ease in moving forward, is in the fact that I expected to get off track. And I planned for it. 

The Time Is Now: Mastering the Art of the Courageous Conversation

At home, at work and in the world at large, mastering these high-stake conversations is critical, and yet, for most of us, deciding to have those conversations is extremely stressful. Take my Crucial Conversations quiz to better understand how ready you are to tackle these difficult talks and what you can do to better prepare for them.

Webinar: 5 Crucial Steps to Reclaim Control

If what worked before the pandemic feels completely ineffective now, and you secretly doubt that you can keep it all together... then you’re most likely MISSING what I’m going to REVEAL in this FREE 25 minute training. 

Leading through Crisis: A Masterclass in Crisis Leadership

If you’ve paid attention during these last three months and watched how our world has navigated through a plethora of COVID- 19 challenges, you know that we’ve inadvertently been attending a masterclass in crisis leadership. In this blog post I talk about the 3 things you can do to become a more trusted leader.

4 Steps You Can Take to Prevent Burnout (even when things are crazy)

If you’d like to feel a sense of contentment in good times and in bad, read this post to learn 4 steps to prevent (or heal) burnout and honor your personal boundaries, even in uncertain times.