When Pushing Through Isn’t Enough Anymore; 3 Steps to Release the Pressure Valve Without Losing Your Edge

In the past 7 weeks, we’ve been desperately trying to cling to what worked before the pandemic. Our brains try to protect us by keeping things consistent. Continuing to push through and keep things status quo is the brain’s way of making us feel safe. 

Many of my clients have been feeling the pressure to perform at their pre-pandemic level on things like:

  • planning and creating healthy meals for the family… every single day….all three meals...for the entire week…for the last 6 weeks (that’s 126 meals)!!!

  • responding to work emails as soon as they come in, because they don’t want to let down the team.

  • being ever-available to their partner’s emotional needs, because they’re good at knowing how to prop him up, even when she could use some extra support herself..

The truth is, it’s not helpful to do what you’ve always done.

Your environment has changed.

What once worked, won’t work anymore. 

The sooner we realize that we need to make some adjustments during this global shift, the sooner we’ll begin to feel a sense of ease and control.

In his book, What Got You Here, Won’t Get You There, Marshall Goldstein identifies common behaviors that keep leaders stuck. You might not think of yourself as a leader. However, if you’ve got people watching what you do… YOU ARE A LEADER. 

Marshall Goldstein identifies CLINGING TO THE PAST as a key behavior that

keeps leaders stuck. 

For those of us who are anxious and overwhelmed right now…

For those of us who are physically and emotionally drained… 

I wonder if we’ve been clinging to the past. It’s a natural instinct. 

However, it’s no longer serving us, and it makes running our days more difficult than need be.

Here’s what we can do instead.

3 Steps to Release the Pressure Valve Without Losing Your Edge

  1. Redefine productive: Before the pandemic, did you once feel proud of what you completed by the end of the day? Did you feel accomplished when you checked things off your list? If so, I encourage you to redefine what productive looks like now.

  2. Reject what once worked…to allow for better: You most likely had a rhythm and a structure in place and it worked relatively well.  But now, it doesn’t feel like it's enough, does it? Reject what once worked so you can establish something better.

  3. Accept new strategies: Be open to a more flexible structure. Implement new tools that address the ebb and flow of our current situation.

I’m going to guess that, like the high achieving women I work with, you believe that you should be able to handle this transition, on your own. So many of us believe asking for help signals that we don’t have our stuff together.

But that’s not the truth. 

We weren't designed to do it alone. 

Our brains are wired to connect and learn from each other. 

So, let’s support our natural physiology rather than fight against it. 

In response to the pandemic, I’ve recorded a free MASTERCLASS to help you Reclaim Control in Times of Uncertainty. 

During the 25 minute training you’ll learn how to:

  • manage challenging emotions 

  • design a productive, yet healthy cadence in your new work-from-home days 

  • prevent burnout during highly charged times

Register for the masterclass and reclaim control.

You’ve got permission to release the pressure valve. 

Lisa Bobyak, Life Balance Consultant, Leadership Coach and founder of Living Fully Balanced™, has been elevating the performance, perspective and peace of mind of high-achieving professionals on the brink of burnout for nearly a decade. Through her Living Fully Balanced™ methodology, she equips her clients with both the self-awareness and planning tools to thrive in our fast-paced, work-driven society. Her inspiring and educational presentations challenge the current hustle culture and offer strategies to prevent burnout and create balance. Lisa is the creator of the transformative  Love Your Life Again program. She’s also authored the ebook, 7 Days to Loving Your Life Again and the Living Fully Balanced Life Planner©.