Quiet Quitting And Why It Won't Work For You

Have you heard of the term “quiet quitting”? It’s recently gained popularity because of a viral  TikTok video by @zkchillin, and it’s being considered a viable approach to fixing burnout.

Quiet quitting is when you don’t outright quit your job, but you quit the idea of going above and beyond. 

I get it, and yet I’m not a fan. And, here’s why. 

Quiet quitting won't work for you when you’re a high achiever.

It won’t work for you because you care deeply about the quality of your work and the quality of your relationships. You’re not someone who does the bare minimum and you know that doing as little as possible would tarnish your solid reputation and quite possibly burn bridges with valuable colleagues. Plus, you know it could kill your relationships. 

Also quiet quitting won’t work for you because of the obvious… you’re not a quitter. If anything, you take on challenges and see them through to resolution. Quitting something because it doesn't make you happy, is just not something you do.

The supposition quiet quitting makes is that we only have two choices.

One, we either care about the work we do and the people in our lives and we burn out because of it.

Or, two, we quietly distance ourselves from both, do the bare minimum just to get by, and we won’t burnout. 

I know there’s a third alternative and my clients and I practice it every day. 

We’ve learned how to fully engage wherever we are, without burning out and sacrificing our health and happiness. 

I know! Crazy, right?!? I didn’t believe it was possible either until I made it happen for myself. But here’s the thing. It is absolutely possible. 

One of my clients recently told me that since working with me, she’s been able to give 100% at work and 100% when she’s at home, and she’s not feeling guilty about either.

And, let me tell you, not feeling guilty is a game changer!! 

Healing from burnout and creating an approach to life that sustains you rather than drains you is unique to each of us. And the work I do is highly customized.

However, here are three of the steps I teach, so you can get back to loving your life again. 

1) Take Responsibility

No, being burned out is not your fault. However, it is your responsibility to figure out why you’re exhausted and drained. And if I know you, you are a woman who takes ownership of your personal and professional growth and you learn from your experiences. 

2) Do An Energy Audit

Women who are managing their energy know exactly what things on their schedule drain their batteries and which activities fill them up. Intentionally weighing the activities that deplete against the activities that charge them, allows these high achievers to do what they do, without running on empty. 

3) Engage In Courageous Conversations

People who are resentful and feel exhausted, often struggle to communicate their needs. Women who feel most balanced are talking to their spouses and bosses about their needs and their current challenges. And they’re doing it more than once. They’re setting boundaries, they’re being vulnerable and they’re deepening their relationships because they’re willing to have those tough conversations. 

My clients walk the line between wanting to have successful careers and not wanting to miss out on their home lives. 

They’re also tired of feeling guilty when they’re at home and guilty when they’re at work - and tired of always thinking about the next work deadline, and worrying about missing the next basketball tournament. 

Quiet quitting won’t work for you. 

However, creating a sustainable,

more powerful approach to

the way you live and lead, will. 

It’s the way to a balanced and meaningful life. 

Schedule a complimentary Beyond Burnout Kickstart call with me, and I’ll show you a realistic approach to sustainably live and lead.

You don’t need to quit. 

Let’s talk soon





Lisa Bobyak is the founder of Living Fully Balanced™ and she’s been challenging the current hustle culture and preventing burnout for nearly a decade. 

Because her life once ran on autopilot, Lisa experienced burnout several times and faced life altering challenges as a result.

Now, her mission as a Life Balance and Leadership Coach, is healing burnout and teaching life balance strategies to high achieving women.

Through her Living Fully Balanced™ process, she shows women with full lives, how to regain their energy and increase their capacity so that they can make their mark on the world…without losing themselves in the process. 

Lisa is the creator of the Beyond Burnout Kick Start, the Living Fully Balanced Life Planner© and the semi annual Pause Retreats .