There's Power In the Pause
Good Morning, Friends.
On this Monday morning I want to share one of my success strategies.
Yup, it's simple, I know. But pausing to think before reacting isn't always easy when things get ramped up and crazy this holiday season.
Pausing and slowing down allows us to be intentional in our actions and with our words.
Do you know humans are the only species that speed up when under stress?
It's not helpful to be reactionary. Think about it. Isn't that just the time you said something you regret, ate something you felt guilty about, did something that didn't align with your values?
During this busy season, take the time to PAUSE, JUST BREATHE, SLOW DOWN, LET IT PASS. You'll be able to rise above the stressful situation. You'll be able to reflect and choose your next step.
Most of our stress comes when we feel that we don't have control.
While we can't control what happens outside of us. We can control how we react to it.
Choose to reflect rather than react.
There is POWER in the PAUSE.
Try it this week, and let me know how it goes.
If you want more strategies, download the free eBook, 7 Days to Living Fully Balanced. And, as always, feel free to contact me anytime. Click here to get on my schedule.