"I Need To Get My Head On Straight."

The notification on my VOXER app sounded. 

I pushed the button and heard her frayed voice. 

“I need to get my head straight. I’m still struggling. Can you talk?”

My clients and I often have ongoing conversations between our scheduled sessions. Sometimes it’s through texts or emails. Sometimes it’s through quick phone calls or messages on Voxer.

It’s one of my favorite parts of the work I do. And, I’ve seen it transform lives. 

So, I’m always happy to connect with my clients between sessions when they want to share something with me. 

Choosing to pause and process, 
Separates the good leaders from
Exemplary ones.

This particular client of mine is one of those exemplary leaders. 

As the owner of a startup company, she leads with values. 

She has processes and strategies in place.

She clearly communicates the vision of the company. 

On the outside, she’s a model of vibrant health and confidence. 

But, because of my role, I know that what is visible on the outside is only part of the story.

You may already know what I’m going to share. Or you may be experiencing it yourself.

There's a silent problem in leadership.

Top performing leaders don’t share their struggles.

There’s no “water cooler talk” for them.
Once these women rose through the ranks, their co-workers and peers became employees and mentees. 

While they love what they do, 
and are highly ambitious and goal oriented…

As a personal leadership coach and consultant, I have a view rarely exposed to anyone.

Here’s what I want you to know about high achieving women.

  • They don’t share their inner doubts, because someone might use it against them. 


  • They can’t let their guard down…ever… for fear of losing their edge. 


  • They “don’t do vulnerability”. They can’t, or else someone will step into the spot they fought so hard for. 


  • She thinks she’s the only one still trying to “figure out this leadership thing”. 


  • Even though all signs lead to the opposite, she feels like she’s failing at being a good mom, a supportive wife and a caring adult child to her parents. 


  • The buck stops with her, so EVERY decision feels like life or death. 


  • No matter the amount of external pressure she’s under, the pressure she puts on herself dwarfs it. 


  • “White knuckling it” is her status quo. Her body knows no other way.


  • People expect excellence from her, so she always has to give 110%.

All of this sounds exhausting, doesn’t it?

I wonder if some of these things ring true for you, too.

Imagine how it would feel to be able to breathe deeply and know that what you’re doing is enough.

I know you’re fiercely independent and need no help in getting what you want in life. You’ve been resetting your bar since you were born.

And yet, you know that as humans, we are created to connect. 

Now, in times of uncertainty and ambiguity, 
when demands on your time are higher than ever, 
when you need to be cautious of who you share information with,
when your health is on the line because of burnout…

I want you to ask yourself one question…

Who are your people?

Who has your back, in good times and bad?

Who will listen without judgment, and offer a fresh perspective for you to consider?

Who pushes you to be your best and holds you accountable, because they have your best interest in mind?

Find your people. 

Since starting Living Fully Balanced, I’ve gathered so many GOOD PEOPLE. My life is richer because of them.

And I’d like to share those people with you. 

If you’d like to explore what this could look like for you, I’d like to talk with you. 

You’ve tried going it alone.

Now, isn't it time to try going it together?


P.S. The proverb,"When you want to go fast, go alone. When you want to go far, go together.", has never been more true. 

P.S.S. Jim Rohn said,"You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with."

P.S.S. Make sure the people you surround yourself with exemplify characteristics you aspire to have.

P.S.S.S. I'm creating a small cohort this fall. If you want women in your life who live and lead to their highest potential, while honoring their personal health and wellbeing... then we need to talk.