How to eliminate inner dissonance

Jane called me and sounded really annoyed.

“Lisa, Jane here.

Just calling you back.

Sorry...I’ve been a little crazy lately.

I would be interested in The Life Design Retreat.

Just bill me.

I probably need that right now.”

“Jane” (not her real name) sounding like someone being forced to say “Yes” to a tooth extraction…like I was twisting her arm to attend the upcoming half day retreat.

And as I was listening to her message, I actually laughed out loud! ROFL!!!

Jane and I had been playing phone tag for weeks. And she is indeed CRAZY BUSY, and I didn’t take her lack of response personally.

But, honestly, if I didn’t know her better, after listening to her message and hearing her snarky tone, I would have thought she was trying to get rid of me… not sign up for the retreat I was hosting.

Here’s why I’m telling you this story:

There are a lot of “Jane’s” out there… women who are experiencing an inner dissonance…

Knowing what they need and not having the time to get it.

Right now, Jane really believes that she doesn’t have the time for The Life Design Retreat. Work is increasingly getting busier and her stress level is rising.

She works more than full time during the day, and two nights a week she teaches classes for an evening program.

Her kids are young adults, and even though they don’t live at home with her full time, Jane’s very involved in their lives and enjoys helping them out when she can.

At this point in her life, she’s creating some new boundaries and to be honest, some people in her life don't like the “new Jane”. She’s wondering if those people are worth keeping around.

Honestly, it can be a lot. So, I understood her tone when she rather abruptly “pulled the pin” and said “just bill me”.

Another one of my clients actually hired me on a bet. She told me:

“I bet you can’t help me. I’ve taken every personal assessment know to mankind and I don’t think you can teach me anything I don’t already know.” But, she was willing to “try me out” for 6 weeks.

Now, over 6 years later, we both laugh about how hard she fought.

Here’s what she shared with me on a call recently:

“You introduced concepts that I may not have found on my own, speeding up my learning curve. You didn’t give me a fish. You taught me how to fish. And you gave me permission to continue learning about myself, trying new approaches to life.”

It’s ok if you’re ticked off that you don’t have the time to fix what’s not working.

It’s ok if you feel like you know yourself really well, and still feel a bit off.

It’s not your fault.

The question on many women’s minds is “How do I lead this busy life of mine and not burnout in the process?”

On April 26, 2024, atThe Life Design Retreat , I’ll show you how.

Your cost? $375.00 and 4 hours of your time.

Did you know that most people spend over 20 hours planning a vacation?

With The Life Design Retreat you’ll spend 4 hours creating a life you don’t need a vacation from.

Now, doesn’t THAT sound like time well spent?

Call me and we’ll make sure this half day retreat is right for you.

