I’m planning a special end of the year surprise for you.
I want to create something that the majority of our community will love and find useful, and I could use your help.
Read MoreAs high achievers, let’s just say our default is to soldier on and white knuckle through to the next project, ticking off our goals and moving on to new ones.
That’s just how we roll. We get S#!% done!
And even so, I’m going to ask you to make a switch in your approach, so you can end the year strong.
Read MoreHonestly, I’m growing tired of Instagram, Facebook and now even LinkedIn, telling me that if I’m not happy or joyful, something’s wrong with me.
We hear that if we’re not happy, we need to make some changes. (get a degree, join that group, buy those cute shoes).
Read MoreFor those of us who are achievement driven, working on the next project and checking off the boxes feels sooo good! But, even with all the checking and the accomplishments, sometimes it just doesn't feel enough, does it? Like you've got to keep earning your keep or proving your worth. So, how DO you know when ENOUGH IS ENOUGH?
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