This is the good kind of surprise
I’m planning a special end of the year surprise for you.
I want to create something that the majority of our community will love and find useful, and I could use your help.
Which of the following would be most valuable to you?
Do you want more time?
10 ways to get back 2 hours this week
Do you want to know what to say?
How to talk to difficult people- a template for Courageous Conversations
Or, do you want to create a pretty exceptional day?
A busy women’s to guide to an IDEAL DAY
Which sounds most interesting to you?
Respond to this email, message me or email me at and let me know which one I should start creating.
And in a few weeks, I’ll send it off so you can try it out.
I want to thank you with a gift before the holidays come around.
So, what would be most valuable?
The gift of time?
More peace with difficult people?
Or, an ideal day?
Thanks so much for your input!
I appreciate your willingness to share this space. I don’t take it lightly.
It’s an honor and privilege to do this life balance thing with you!