Do you have 5 minutes?

Have you ever been shocked, even when you expected it?

Me too! 

I was speaking to a group last week, when ALL the women in the room raised their hands to my three questions…. It still rocked me!

Busy, high achieving women are risking their relationships, their careers and ultimately their lives… with one choice.

I'll let you guess what that ONE SINGLE CHOICE is,  

Here’s how to know if you're choosing the same thing as they are:

Imagine that I’m asking YOU a few questions. Nod your head along if your answer is yes. 

  • Do you say YES when your boss or your client asks you for a 5 minute meeting?

  • You receive a text from your spouse, right in the middle of your busy work day, and they want to talk to you now about the upcoming holidays. Do you say YES to the quick 5 minute call?

  • Let’s say you’re on your way home from your kids volleyball game tonight… you’re exhausted…and your best friend calls, asking if you have some time for a chat… Do you say yes to your friend’s request?

Now, last question: 

Do you regularly….or EVER….schedule a 5 minute meeting….with yourself? 

That’s what I thought. #SAME.

We’re a lot alike, you, me and the women in the group last week. 

We say YES to every request of us… to every person in our lives. 

Every single person except ourselves. 

That’s THE CHOICE we’re making. 

Because we struggle saying YES to giving ourselves just 5 minutes of time, we’re running on empty, drained, resentful and burning ourselves out

Here’s what I wish for you instead. 

Just for the last 2 ½ months of the year, take YOURSELF as seriously as you do OTHERS. 

In my decade plus of working in the personal development space, I’ve learned that the healthiest, happiest and most content people consistently choose to spend time with themselves. Time to reflect, to plan, to clarify. 

The thing is, If you DON’T pause to think about your life, 

your LIFE will FORCE you to pause and think.

And in ways that are NOT in your favor. 

Want your last quarter to go a bit more smoothly, a bit more organized and feel a bit more in control?

Pause for brief moments, in consistent meetings with YOURSELF. 

I call these meetings, Owners Meetings

Want to learn how to do this? 

Sign up here and I’ll send you 5 days of easy to implement, actionable steps. 

Say YES to just five minutes with yourself. 

I can show you how to find those sacred minutes, I promise. (And no… I won’t patronize you and tell you to stop your mindless social media scrolling.) 

Let me know if you’d like me to send you the Owners Meeting info. There’s nothing more that would please me than to see you thrive in this busy world of ours. 

Much love, 
